Om !
Next Balavihar is on Sunday April 6th. Please read chapters 81-90 of Mahabharata by C. Rajagoplachari. We will be going to the auditorium at 11:00 AM for a special presentation by the CMTC CORD committee.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Picture This

            Based off of the stories of the beginnings of the Mahabharata, our class launched into a discussion about the Karma Theory - of how our actions in the present bring about results in the future. Good actions (aka punya) bring about good results while bad actions (paapa) bring out bad results. But like a credit account, we rack up charges in both fields that must be exhausted through more results... in more lives. So the cycle of birth and death continues. In order to escape from this, one must learn to live without attachment to the results of actions - that is to do the action for the sake of the action and not for the sake of the result that may arise afterward. Example: To study so as to learn material, not merely to get a good grade.
            The first step towards being free from all attachments is to imbue one’s life with positive actions – and to do that, we first need positive goals. Check out some of our students’ aspirations…

Section 2
September 29, 2013

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Vyasa and Ganesha

In today’s Balavihar, we learned about the origins of Mahabharata which consists of over 100,000 verses. Sage Vyasa, who conceived and composed this great epic, needed a scribe to write all the verses. So he prayed to Lord Brahma who recommended Lord Ganesha as the scribe. Ganesha appeared before Vyasa and said that he would write Mahabharata on the condition that Vyasa should continuously dictate without a break.  Vyasa agreed to this but made a condition that Ganesha had to understand each verse before writing it down. Vyasa made this condition so that he could gain time to compose while Lord Ganesha pondered over the meaning of an occasionally difficult verse.  It is believed that there are 8,800 such difficult verses. This was how Mahabharata which is also known as the fifth Veda came into existence.  We also listened to the story of the King Shantanu who married Ganga after agreeing to her conditions. The eight Vasus were born as their sons due to Sage Vasishta’s curse, but Ganga threw seven of her babies in the river to redeem them of their sins.  We will learn more about Shantanu, Ganga, and the eighth baby in the next class.

Uday Samavenkata (Section 1)
September 22, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hari Om Grade 8 Students!

Welcome to the 2013-14 Balavihar.  During this year we will listen, read, and tell stories from the Mahabharata, the timeless epic, to learn the do’s and don’ts that lead us to success and victory in life.  Given below is some information that you should share with your parents.

Text (Purchase if you do not already have it)
Mahabharata by C. Rajagoplachari
Daily Schedule

Quiet Time, Prayers, Roll call - 10 min 
Recap and Review of previous session – 10 min
Lecture and Group Discussion - 60 mins
            Journal writing – 5 min
           Arati & pledge - 5 min

Class Protocol
  • Be on time; attend every class; pay attention and actively participate in discussions.
  • If you arrive at the classroom during Quiet Time, please wait outside silently in the corridor till one of the teachers lets you in.
  • Always bring your book bag with My Prayers book, text books, and a 3-ring binder.  Make sure that you have pencils, erasers, pens, and color markers.
  • Raise your hand if you have a question/comment and wait till one of the teachers prompts you to speak.
  • Be respectful to teachers and fellow students by refraining from sidebar conversations.
  • Sing along in prayers, bhajans and chantings.  Please raise your voice and join in!
  • All electronic gadgets such as iPods, cell phones should be turned off.
  • Remember that this is story time.  By following the above rules, all of us will have great fun!